Our college has established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The IQAC monitors and evaluate academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college with evaluation of the performance and suggest the improved systems to be adopted like work diary introduced which is to be maintained and filled in daily by all the faculty members. Internet facilities have been introduced to update the knowledge of the faculty and to find out the latest teaching methods/systems. All these activities are organized and observed by in-charge faculty members and monitored by the principal.
The major objectives of our college are that rural students should be given opportunities for education and employment so that the nation and the society get the service of good quality teachers.  To achieve this goal, our college has prepared detailed plan of action for the successful implementation of its objective. The head of the college observes the academic programmes carefully. She guides, assists and inspires the faculty members in the implementation of the programmes.  She acts as a liaison officer between the management and the college.  The activities carried out are observed and evaluated by the college and all the information regarding the performance and feedback of the activities is regularly conveyed to the management by her.  The management thoroughly studies the performance and achievements of the college and remains in contact with the college for fulfilling the goals and objectives successfully.
Annual planning is done in the beginning of the year and care is taken that it is followed.
Continuous evaluation of students is done throughout the year by all the faculty members.
Get feedback from principals of the practice teaching school and from the students.